Troubleshooting Slow Charging on Redmi 12C: Easy Solutions!

Causes of Slow Charging on the Redmi 12C

In this complete guide, we will explore the causes of slow charging on the Redmi 12C and offer simple ways to address these troubles, ensuring faster and extra efficient charging.

Simple Ways to Address Redmi 12C Slow Charging Troubles

1. Check the Charging Cable and Adapter:

Start by analyzing the charging cable and adapter for any visible damage. Frayed cables or bent pins can hinder the charging manner. Use the authentic charging cable and adapter that came with the device. Using charging add-ons can substantially affect charging pace.

2. Try a Different USB Cable and Adapter:

If the charging cable or adapter is broken, use an alternative USB cable and adapter that is recognized for charging effectively. Ensure they meet the specifications required for your smartphone, along with the ideal voltage.

3. Use the Original Charging Equipment:

Manufacturers make charging cables and adapters, particularly for individual devices. Using third-party or non-licensed add-ons can also bring about slower charging or compatibility troubles. Stick to the authentic charging gadget to maximize charging efficiency.

4. Clean the Charging Port:

Ensure that the USB port on your smartphone is free from dirt, particles, or lint that could collect through the years. Use a can of compressed air or a small, mild brush to clean the charging port carefully. Avoid using sharp items that could harm the port.

5. Restart Your device:

A simple restart can now and then solve software program-related troubles affecting the charging speed. Switch off your smartphone for a few seconds, after which switch it on. This action can refresh device methods and can enhance charging efficiency.

6. Enable Airplane Mode:

Enabling Airplane Mode disables wi-fi connections, decreasing energy consumption and probably speeding up the charging method. Swipe down from the top of the screen to get entry to the quick settings menu and toggle on Airplane Mode.

7. Check for Background Apps:

Background apps can consume gadget assets and gradually charge. Close useless apps running in the back by accessing the recent apps menu or the usage of the built-in assignment supervisor. Ensure no resource-intensive apps are active during charging.

8. Use a High-Quality Power Source:

Charging from a powerful electricity source, such as a wall outlet, can contribute to quicker charging compared to using a laptop USB port. Ensure the power source gives enough voltage for efficient charging.

9. Disable Battery-Intensive Features:

Some capabilities, including live wallpapers, and animations, can eat additional energy and slow down charging. Disable these features briefly at some stage in charging to maximize charging speed. Adjust settings in “Settings” > “Battery & performance.”

10. Adjust Charging Settings:

Experiment with different charging settings on your Redmi 12C to see if any specific configuration improves charging speed. You can try enabling fast charging options or adjusting the charging mode to optimize the charging process.

11. Perform a Factory Reset:

If slow charging issues persist despite trying the above solutions, a factory reset can be essential. Before proceeding, make sure to back up vital data, as this action will erase all user information on the device.

12. Contact Customer Support:

If all else fails, it is advisable to contact Xiaomi’s service center. They can provide precise methods based on your device and offer additional help to resolve the slow charging troubles on your Redmi 12C.


By systematically addressing potential causes for slow charging on your Redmi 12C, you can optimize the charging process and enhance the usability of your device.

Leo Guerra

Hey folks, I'm Leo Guerra – your tech enthusiast specializing in all things PC and mobile. I'm your go-to guy for nifty "How-to" guides that demystify the tech world. Whether you're navigating the complexities of your computer or making the most out of your mobile device, I've got you covered with practical tips and step-by-step instructions. Let's embark on a journey together where we unlock the full potential of our gadgets and become savvy tech aficionados. Join me, and let's make the digital realm a more accessible and enjoyable space! 🚀

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