the latest on Gemini AI, Android 15 and more

Google is gearing up to share a slew of news around AI and Search at its I/O developer conference on May 14, and we expect a ton of announcements around Gemini, Android, Search and more. The company couldn’t even wait till its own keynote to let us in on what it’s been cooking, and has already teased us with a video of an intriguing camera-based AI feature on its social accounts.

Based on what we know so far, this is shaping up to be a hours-long launch event chock full of announcements. If you can’t watch Google’s I/O 2024 keynote for that much time, or prefer a text-and-images approach, we’ve got the liveblog for you. Our reporters Karissa Bell and Sam Rutherford will be at Shoreline Amphitheater to bring you the news live, with backup from the entire Engadget home team. Come back around 12pm ET on May 14th to hang with us as we cover all the updates from Google I/O 2024!

Live47 updates

  • Gemini 1.5 ProGemini 1.5 Pro

    Gemini 1.5 Pro (Photo by Sam Rutherford/Engadget)

  • Ask Google Photos to get help making sense of your gallery

    A graphic showing a phone with the Gemini star icon and the words A graphic showing a phone with the Gemini star icon and the words

    A graphic showing a phone with the Gemini star icon and the words (Google)

    Google is inserting more of its Gemini AI into every single product it has and the next target in its sights is Photos. At its I/O developer conference today, the company’s CEO Sundar Pichai announced a feature called Ask Photos, which is designed to help you find specific images in your gallery by talking to Gemini.

    Read the full story here.

  • Search is already one of the best features in Google Photos, but it sounds like Gemini is going to make it even more powerful. Sundar showed how it can not only search for details within specific photos but understand the broader context of several photos over time, like tracking your kid’s swimming skills over a whole summer.

  • Ask Photos seems like a simple little feature, but could be really useful. I’m constantly looking up stuff in Photos and I usually have to resort to remembering when I took the pic and then just scrolling through my timeline to find it.

  • Google Ask Photos demoGoogle Ask Photos demo

    Google Ask Photos demo (Photo by Sam Rutherford/Engadget)

  • First up is Google Photos, Gemini is coming to Google Photos in the form of a helpful chatbot that can answer questions about what’s in your gallery. “Ask Photos” is coming this summer.

  • AI overviewsAI overviews

    AI overviews (Photo by Sam Rutherford/Engadget)

  • I think everyone knew Google would kick things off by talking about Gemini. But I’m curious how the Google Assistant and Gemini are going to work alongside each other (or maybe not) going forward.

  • Sundar Pichai at Google I/O 2024Sundar Pichai at Google I/O 2024

    Sundar Pichai at Google I/O 2024 (Photo by Sam Rutherford/Engadget)

  • Sundar is on the stage, he jokes that I/O is “Google’s version of the Eras tour” and says that Google is in its “Gemini era,” so expect a keynote that is all things AI.

  • Google I/O 2024 beginsGoogle I/O 2024 begins

    Google I/O 2024 begins (Photo by Sam Rutherford/Engadget)

  • Now the calm before the actual show starts. Time to grab a snack or a drink before things kick off for real.

  • Welp, we got a T-shirt cannon.

    t shirt cannont shirt cannon

    t shirt cannon (Photo by Sam Rutherford/Engadget)

  • He’s flinging (what I’m assuming are Google-themed) robes into the crowd with a t-shirt cannon, the crowd is amped.

  • Why is this DJ/set so creepy!!

  • Google I/O pre-showGoogle I/O pre-show

    Google I/O pre-show (Photo by Sam Rutherford/Engadget)

    Marc building beats in real time.

  • Now Marc is taking music requests from the crowd and hes going to do his Loop Daddy thing and turn it into a full song.

  • Marc Rebillet testing out some AI music samples at Google I/O 2024Marc Rebillet testing out some AI music samples at Google I/O 2024

    Marc Rebillet testing out some AI music samples at Google I/O 2024 (Photo by Sam Rutherford/Engadget)

  • He just demonstrated some of Google’s generative AI music tools, he seems to be impressed by what he heard, says there’s much more to come.

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Lucas Anderson

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