How to Easily Fix Ghost Touch Issues on Xiaomi Civi 3

Causes of Ghost Touch Troubles on Xiaomi Civi 3

Ghost touch issues on your Xiaomi Civi 3 can be frustrating and impact the overall user experience. These problems can be caused by various factors, including misaligned screen protectors, dirt or moisture on the screen, software conflicts, and hardware issues. Understanding the root causes of ghost touch problems is crucial in finding effective solutions to optimize the touchscreen performance of your smartphone.

Simple Ways to Solve Ghost Touch Issues

1. Screen Protector Alignment

A misaligned or poorly aligned screen protector can cause ghost touch problems on your Xiaomi Civi 3. It is essential to check the screen protector for proper alignment at the edges of the smartphone. Reinstalling or replacing the screen protector can eliminate any interference that may be causing accidental touches.

2. Cleaning the Screen

Dirt, fingerprints, or moisture on the touch display can also lead to ghost touch problems. Regularly cleaning the screen with a microfiber cloth can improve touch accuracy and reduce the occurrence of ghost touches.

3. Screen Calibration

Incorrect calibration on the touchscreen can be a common cause of ghost touch issues. You can access the settings on your Xiaomi Civi 3 and look for touchscreen calibration options. Calibrating the touchscreen or resetting calibration settings can enhance touch accuracy and potentially resolve ghost touch problems.

4. App Conflicts

Some apps installed on your device may be causing ghost touches on the touchscreen. It is important to identify these apps and either uninstall or update them to address the issue. Alternatively, you can boot your Xiaomi phone in safe mode to determine if the problem persists without third-party apps running on the device.

5. Software Updates

Keeping your device’s software up-to-date is crucial in addressing ghost touch problems. Xiaomi regularly releases updates that include improvements to touchscreen sensitivity and overall performance. Make sure to check for updates in the settings and keep your device updated to prevent ghost touch issues.

6. Perform a Factory Reset

If ghost touch problems persist despite trying the above steps, performing a factory reset may be necessary. It is important to back up your important data before proceeding, as a factory reset will erase all settings and data on your device. After the reset, check if the ghost touch problems have been resolved.

7. Hardware Inspection

If ghost touch problems persist, there may be underlying hardware issues affecting your Xiaomi Civi 3. It is advisable to contact Xiaomi Support or visit an authorized service center for professional assessment. Hardware problems such as a faulty touchscreen digitizer or screen may require expert analysis and repair.

8. Restart your Device

Sometimes, a simple restart of your device can help resolve minor software issues that may be causing ghost touches. Try rebooting your smartphone for a few seconds and then turn it back on to see if the issues have been resolved.

9. External Factors

External factors such as extreme temperatures or humidity can also impact the performance of the touchscreen. It is important to consider your environment and avoid exposing your Xiaomi Civi 3 to conditions that could affect the touchscreen. Operating the phone in suitable and cooler temperatures can contribute to better touch responsiveness.


Ghost touch issues on your Xiaomi Civi 3 can be resolved by identifying the root causes and implementing simple solutions to optimize the touchscreen performance. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively address ghost touch problems and enjoy a smoother user experience on your smartphone.

Leo Guerra

Hey folks, I'm Leo Guerra – your tech enthusiast specializing in all things PC and mobile. I'm your go-to guy for nifty "How-to" guides that demystify the tech world. Whether you're navigating the complexities of your computer or making the most out of your mobile device, I've got you covered with practical tips and step-by-step instructions. Let's embark on a journey together where we unlock the full potential of our gadgets and become savvy tech aficionados. Join me, and let's make the digital realm a more accessible and enjoyable space! 🚀

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