How to Cancel Xfinity TV Service: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Cancelling your Xfinity TV service can be a difficult process, but this comprehensive guide outlines all the steps needed for a clean break, including eligibility requirements, reasons for cancelling, detailed cancellation options, returning equipment, and more. Follow along to make cancelling Xfinity TV as headache-free as possible.

How to Cancel Xfinity TV Service: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide
How to Cancel Xfinity TV Service: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide


With rising prices and appealing alternatives like streaming TV or over-the-air antennas readily available, many customers decide the time has come to cut ties with traditional cable TV providers like Xfinity.

However, actually cancelling Xfinity TV service can be frustratingly difficult and confusing if you don’t know where to start. This guide aims to provide a complete walkthrough of the Xfinity TV cancellation process, empowering readers to cut the cable TV cord once and for all.

We’ll cover everything from checking your Xfinity contract status to explore cancellation fee risks, outlining online and phone cancellation methods, detailing proper equipment returns, and recapping tips to avoid cancellation headaches. Let’s get started.

Eligibility Requirements for Xfinity TV Cancellation

First, determine if cancelling Xfinity TV mid-contract will trigger early termination fees:

  • No active contract: Cancel anytime without penalties
  • Under 1-year contract: $10 fee charged per month remaining on contract

Many try cancelling to avoid rising prices or unreliable service. Common reasons include:

  • Repeated cable outages and interrupted service
  • Certain channels or content unexpectedly blocked
  • Sudden bill spikes or add-on fee increases

Carefully consider your motivations before calling to cancel.

Step-By-Step Guide to Cancel Xfinity TV Service

Once you decide to cancel, choose among three options:

Cancellation Method #1: Submit Online Cancellation Form

The easiest approach for many is an online cancellation form. To cancel Xfinity TV this way:

  1. Visit Xfinity’s cancellation page and fill out the form
  2. Wait up to 2 business days for a representative’s response
  3. Follow up immediately if no reply received


  • Convenient and fast cancellation route
  • Avoid phone hold times


  • Still involves some back-and-forth with representatives

Cancellation Method #2: Cancel Over the Phone

To cancel by phone, call 1-800-XFINITY and:

  1. Request the Retention department specifically
  2. Clearly state your desire to cancel TV service
  3. Provide reasons motivating your decision
  4. Remain firm if offered deals to stay
  5. Schedule a cancellation date and equipment return


  • Directly state cancellation reasons
  • Set a firm date to terminate service


  • Long hold times likely
  • Retention offers can be tempting

Cancellation Method #3: In-Person Cancellation

You can also visit an Xfinity store to cancel in person:

  1. Locate your closest Xfinity store
  2. Speak to a representative in-person about cancelling
  3. Return any rented equipment on the same visit


  • Cancel and return equipment in one trip
  • Discuss reasons face-to-face


  • Inconvenient if store isn’t close by
  • Public cancellations can be awkward

No matter how you cancel, be firm in your decision and don’t settle for deals encouraging you to stay.

Returning Xfinity TV Equipment

A clean break also requires properly returning all Xfinity equipment like cable boxes, remotes, or routers.

Be sure to:

  • Confirm all Xfinity equipment listed on your account
  • Choose return method: In-store or pre-paid UPS label
  • Document condition of items when packing up
  • Verify Xfinity received the equipment back

Failure to return items continues rental charges or risks replacement fees.

Recap of Xfinity TV Cancellation Process

To recap, the key steps to cancel Xfinity TV service are:

  • Evaluate contract status and cancellation motivations
  • Pick preferred cancellation method: online, by phone, or in person
  • Clearly communicate desire to terminate service
  • Schedule a firm cancellation date
  • Return any outstanding equipment promptly

Following this process reduces headaches stemming from botched cancellation attempts or communications.


While rarely easy, completely cutting ties with Xfinity TV is doable for fed-up customers. This guide outlines start-to-finish instructions for cancellation eligibility checks, termination methods, equipment returns, and other vital details tofinally close the curtain on cable TV services.

Empower yourself to break free of rising prices and unreliable service. Determine if now’s the right time bid farewell to Xfinity TV in your home.

Leo Guerra

Hey folks, I'm Leo Guerra – your tech enthusiast specializing in all things PC and mobile. I'm your go-to guy for nifty "How-to" guides that demystify the tech world. Whether you're navigating the complexities of your computer or making the most out of your mobile device, I've got you covered with practical tips and step-by-step instructions. Let's embark on a journey together where we unlock the full potential of our gadgets and become savvy tech aficionados. Join me, and let's make the digital realm a more accessible and enjoyable space! 🚀

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