Having Trouble with GPS on your Redmi K60? Here are some Effective Solutions!

How to Resolve GPS Issues on your Redmi K60

Having accurate GPS data is crucial for navigation and location services on your Redmi K60. If you are experiencing GPS issues on your device, there are several effective ways to troubleshoot and resolve these issues. Follow the steps below to ensure that your GPS functionality is working optimally.

1. Weak GPS Signal:

One common reason for GPS issues is a weak signal reception. To improve GPS accuracy, make sure that your Redmi phone has a clear view of the sky. Avoid using GPS in areas with tall buildings or dense foliage, as they can interfere with signal reception. Test your GPS performance in an open area to see if the signal strength improves.

Additionally, you can try restarting your device or toggling the GPS settings on and off to refresh the connection. This simple step can sometimes help in resolving signal issues.

2. Location Services Settings:

Incorrect location settings can also impact GPS functionality. Go to the Settings menu on your Redmi K60, navigate to the Location section, and choose the Mode option. Make sure that the correct location mode is selected, such as High Accuracy or Battery Saving. High Accuracy mode utilizes GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile networks for precise location tracking.

By selecting the appropriate location mode, you can enhance the overall performance of your GPS and ensure accurate location data.

3. GPS Calibration:

Calibrating the GPS sensor on your Redmi K60 can improve accuracy and performance. You can download a GPS calibration app from the Google Play Store and follow the instructions to calibrate the sensor. It is recommended to perform calibration in an open outdoor space for the best results.

Regularly calibrating your GPS sensor can help maintain optimal performance and accuracy in location tracking.

4. Clear GPS Data and Cache:

Clearing GPS data and cache can resolve software-related issues that may be affecting GPS performance. To do this, go to the Settings menu, select Manage Apps, choose the specific GPS-related app, and click on Storage & Cache. Then, proceed to clear the data and cache for that app.

Repeat this process for all GPS-related apps installed on your Redmi K60 to ensure that any software glitches are addressed.

5. Software Updates:

Keeping your device’s software up to date is essential for optimizing performance and addressing bugs. Check for any available updates for the MIUI and Android operating system on your Redmi K60. Installing the latest software updates can often resolve GPS issues and improve overall functionality.

Regularly checking for and installing software updates is a proactive way to prevent and resolve GPS problems on your device.

6. Disable Battery Optimization:

Battery optimization settings can sometimes interfere with background GPS activity, leading to delays or inaccuracies in location updates. To ensure uninterrupted GPS functionality, disable battery optimization for GPS-related apps on your Redmi K60.

Adjusting battery optimization settings can help maintain consistent and reliable GPS performance on your device.

7. Reset Network Settings:

If you are still experiencing GPS issues, resetting network settings on your Redmi K60 can help resolve software faults or misconfigurations. Navigate to the Settings menu, select Additional Settings, choose Backup & Reset, and then proceed to Network Settings Reset. Follow the on-screen instructions to reset network settings.

After resetting network settings, check if the GPS issues have been resolved on your device.

8. GPS Hardware Check:

In rare cases, GPS problems may be due to hardware defects or malfunctions. To confirm if there are any hardware issues affecting GPS performance, test your device with multiple GPS apps. If the problems persist despite software optimizations, consider contacting Xiaomi customer support for further assistance.

Professional hardware diagnostics may be necessary to identify and fix any underlying GPS hardware issues.

9. Factory Reset your Device:

If all other troubleshooting methods fail to resolve GPS issues on your Redmi K60, performing a factory reset can help clear up any persistent software problems. Before initiating a factory reset, be sure to back up your data to prevent data loss.

After the reset, selectively reinstall apps and data to identify any specific culprits causing GPS problems on your device.


By following these effective ways to fix GPS issues on your Redmi K60, you can ensure that your device provides accurate location data for navigation and location-based services. Regular maintenance, software updates, and troubleshooting steps can help maintain optimal GPS performance on your device.

Leo Guerra

Hey folks, I'm Leo Guerra – your tech enthusiast specializing in all things PC and mobile. I'm your go-to guy for nifty "How-to" guides that demystify the tech world. Whether you're navigating the complexities of your computer or making the most out of your mobile device, I've got you covered with practical tips and step-by-step instructions. Let's embark on a journey together where we unlock the full potential of our gadgets and become savvy tech aficionados. Join me, and let's make the digital realm a more accessible and enjoyable space! 🚀

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