A Simple Guide to Resolve Ghost Touch Issues on the Motorola Moto G Play (2024)

Troubleshooting Ghost Touch Troubles on your Motorola Moto G Play (2024)

In this guide, we will address and troubleshoot the ghost touch troubles on your Motorola Moto G Play (2024) so that you can have an optimized device.

1. Restart Your Device:

A simple restart can often solve temporary software program glitches that can lead to ghost touch problems. Turn off your smartphone and then power it on again, allowing your device to reboot fully and see if the issues are resolved.

2. Update Software:

Outdated software can also lead to GPS problems due to compatibility problems or software program bugs. Ensure that your phone’s running machine is up to date by going to Settings > System > System updates and checking for available updates.

3. Remove Screen Protector or Case:

Screen protectors or cases can cause touches that are not intended leading to such hassles, mainly if they are not well aligned or if they are made of inferior materials. Remove any display protectors or cases and check the touchscreen to see if the issues are resolved. If the difficulty is resolved, try to use compatible and top-quality protectors or cases.

4. Check for Physical Damage:

Physical harm to the touchscreen or inner additives of your Motorola device can also encourage ghost touch issues. Inspect the screen for any cracks, scratches, or damage, and look for any signs and symptoms of water harm.

5. Calibrate the Touchscreen:

Motorola gadgets normally have options to calibrate the touchscreen to enhance accuracy and responsiveness. Go to the settings, find the Touch calibration option, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the calibration process, and check the touchscreen to see if it resolves the ghost touches.

6. Check for App Issues:

Certain poorly optimized or malfunctioning apps might not show inside the battery utilization records but this will be a reason for overheating. Use the incorporated battery usage or task manager function to identify and uninstall any apps that can be causing overheating issues.

7. Check for Overheating:

Exposure to direct daylight or immoderate temperatures can cause such problems. Keep the phone in shaded or cool surroundings, and try to avoid using the device in humid climates, to save your telephone from overheating.

8. Factory Reset:

Performing a factory reset could be the last alternative if all the above techniques fail. This step will erase all data from your cell phone, so make sure to back up important files and records earlier than proceeding with the step.

9. Contact Customer Support:

If none of the above steps solve the ghost touch troubles, then you need to seek help from professionals. If your telephone is under warranty period, you could get in contact with Motorola customer support or go to an authorized service center to have it professionally diagnosed and get extra steps to restore such troubles.


By following the troubleshooting steps mentioned above, you can effectively solve ghost touch troubles on your Motorola Moto G Play (2024) and optimize your device for a better user experience.

Leo Guerra

Hey folks, I'm Leo Guerra – your tech enthusiast specializing in all things PC and mobile. I'm your go-to guy for nifty "How-to" guides that demystify the tech world. Whether you're navigating the complexities of your computer or making the most out of your mobile device, I've got you covered with practical tips and step-by-step instructions. Let's embark on a journey together where we unlock the full potential of our gadgets and become savvy tech aficionados. Join me, and let's make the digital realm a more accessible and enjoyable space! 🚀

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