9 Easy Fixes for Redmi 11 Prime 4G Ghost Touch Issues

How to Troubleshoot Redmi 11 Prime 4G Ghost Touch Issues?

Your Redmi 11 Prime 4G device may experience ghost touch issues, where the screen responds to touches that haven’t been made. This can be frustrating and interfere with normal device usage. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind ghost touch issues on your Redmi device and provide comprehensive solutions to solve these problems.

1. Screen Protector or Cover Interference:

Screen protectors or cases can contribute to ghost touch problems, especially if they’re incompatible or damaged. Remove the screen protector and check the touchscreen without it. A poorly aligned or broken display protector can interfere with the touchscreen sensors. When using a cover, ensure that it doesn’t press too tightly against the screen.

2. Device Calibration:

Incorrect touchscreen calibration settings can result in erratic touch responses, including ghost touches. Go to the settings, select “Additional Settings” or “System & Updates,” and find the touchscreen calibration option. Follow the on-screen instructions to recalibrate the touchscreen for accurate touch input.

3. Screen Sensitivity Settings:

Sometimes, extreme sensitivity settings can cause the touchscreen to register accidental touches. Adjust the touchscreen sensitivity settings in the settings menu. Experiment with different levels to find a setting that reduces the occurrence of ghost touches.

4. Safe Mode Check:

Specific apps may cause conflicts that result in ghost touch problems. Enter your device into Safe Mode, which disables third-party apps. If the touchscreen works in Safe Mode, it indicates that a downloaded app may be causing the issue. Uninstall those apps or find alternatives.

5. Restart Your Device:

A quick restart can help resolve temporary system faults affecting the touchscreen. Power off your Redmi smartphone for a few seconds, and then switch it on. This action can refresh system processes and potentially solve ghost touch problems.

6. Update Touchscreen Drivers:

Although this is typically applicable to PCs, it’s worth checking if there are any touchscreen driver updates available for your mobile phone. Developers sometimes release driver updates to improve compatibility and performance.

7. Hardware Issues:

Physical damage or defective hardware components, such as the touchscreen digitizer, can be the main cause of ghost touch problems. If your device is under warranty, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance. Professional inspection and, if necessary, repair or replacement may be required for hardware-related issues.

8. Environmental Factors:

Environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures or humidity, may also affect the touchscreen’s performance. Avoid using the device in extreme conditions.

9. Factory Reset:

If ghost touch issues persist, a factory reset on your Redmi smartphone may be necessary. Before proceeding, ensure that you backup your important data, as this step will erase all user data on the device. This step can eliminate software system defects, often resolving persistent touchscreen issues.


Ghost touch issues on your Redmi 11 Prime 4G device can be frustrating, but there are various troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve them. From removing screen protectors to recalibrating the touchscreen and checking for hardware issues, these solutions can help restore normal device usage. If all else fails, a factory reset may be necessary. Remember to back up your data before performing a factory reset. By following these steps, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve ghost touch problems on your Redmi device.

Leo Guerra

Hey folks, I'm Leo Guerra – your tech enthusiast specializing in all things PC and mobile. I'm your go-to guy for nifty "How-to" guides that demystify the tech world. Whether you're navigating the complexities of your computer or making the most out of your mobile device, I've got you covered with practical tips and step-by-step instructions. Let's embark on a journey together where we unlock the full potential of our gadgets and become savvy tech aficionados. Join me, and let's make the digital realm a more accessible and enjoyable space! 🚀

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